Management Services
MOP Agreement
A mop agreement covers the supply of the meter, maintenance and the necessary communication for sending data. It is standard practise to lease a half hourly meter from a meter operator. A MOP contract is usually a five year agreement and has an annual charge. This is a separate agreement and independent to any electricity agreement you have with your supplier.
Smart meters mean you are no longer reliant on estimated reads and additionally provide you with accurate information on the amount of energy being used. This displays accurate real-time information that allows you to measure your consumption over a set period of time, improve forecasting of demand and plan future uses.
Billing Reconciliation
Our invoice validation software performs numerous checks to ensure even the most complex energy invoices are correct.
Capacity Review
A capacity review looks at the peaks in your electricity use in relation to how much you are allocated to use. There are costs associated with your demand levels and our analysis can help uncover savings.
Historic Analysis
With the increasing complexity of suppliers billing systems there may well be a number of historical areas waiting to be recovered. Carrying out historical audits could uncover and identify any billing errors over the past six years. This provides peace of mind that the bill is accurate, as it has been estimated 10% of utility invoices contain errors.
Tenant Rebilling
We provide a service for businesses, landlords and managing agents with multi-let and multi-tenanted buildings to allow them to reclaim energy costs. We will ensure the property has an appropriate tenant metering system to accurately collect consumption data and ensure a correct apportionment.
New Connections
If you have a site that needs new gas or electricity connections we are able to help. Distribution Network Operators deal with thousands of enquiries every month for new electrical connections, and it is often a difficult and complex process. We are able to work with our partners to offer a cost effective and focused alternative for customers when procuring new electrical connections. We have the resources to tackle projects of any scale. This may be single site connections to larger infrastructure developments.
Site Works
Areas covered include design, offsite civil works in the public highway, duct/cable installation, sub-station installation, test and commission. We work closely with all relevant parties to co-ordinate and schedule works in line with the main contractors requirements and constraints. For a no obligation proposal and outline design we would require little more than a site location map, a scaled site plan (electronically if possible) and details of the required load.
Change of Tenancy
We provide a service for businesses, landlords and managing agents with multi-let and multi-tenanted buildings to allow them to reclaim energy costs. We will ensure the property has an appropriate tenant metering system to accurately collect consumption data and ensure a correct apportionment.